Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Terlanjur . . What to Say? How to say?
Ermmm . .
How to start?
How to tell?
Should I tell everybody?
Should I tell everybody?
I can't keep it anymore . . really . .
Yang baik jadikan teladan . . yang buruk jadikan sempadan ye . .
Just to share . .
All happened last Thursday . .
I took leave for two days . .
Supposed to go to interview @ KL . .
But I went to see him . . owh no . .
I feel so excited when the first time we touch each other . .
Bersentuhan kulit ke kulit tanpa lapik . .
Tak tau nak ckp ape time ni . .
Terasa darah naik ke muka when we touch each other . .
If my face got scratch . . mesti bersembur drh keluar . .
Rasa best sgt . . excited sgt . . tak terkata @ that time . .
Is it too much?
I'm ready . . yeah I'm ready . .
But how can I do that thing?
Kenapa terlanjur di usia begini?
Tak sabar ke I?
Actually . .
I knew him 'bout a yr ago . .
First time I met him @ MP . .
Then kept know each other . .
We always meet each other . .
Sometimes we meet @ MP, DP, Jusco & some other places . .
I really love him . .
And I think he loves me too . .
Due to his reaction, I know that he wants himself to be mine . .
Me too . . hehe . .
Before, my neighbour introduced me to his brother . .
But I don't really like his brother . . He is not suit me . . hehe . .
My neighbour knows their family better . . wink2 . .
Finally . .
I got you . .
I got you . .
Now you are mine . .
And I'm yours . .
Really suit me . .
Suit my budget . .
Suit my camera . . you are not single anymore . .
Now my pic looks more natural . . yeah . . I like it . .
My neighbour wanna sell SB800 to me . . he wanna upgrade to SB900 . .
But it's too big for me . . too big for my camera too . . too heavy for me . .
Sebenarnye nak yg baru . . hehe . .
Lihatlah keterlanjuran I . .
This week agak dingin . .
Bilik pun sejuk . .
No entry . .
No story . .
Life running plain . .
Straight face . .
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
AutoCad oh AutoCad
Tgh terkial-kial nak draw plan . .
Haha . . lama sudah tak involve dgn AutoCad ni . .
Command2 dah lupa . .
Sgt lembab . . kena remind balik . .
Study with a drafter . .
Then ble dah igt blk . . laju je . .
Sgt suke . . dah lama x melukis . .
Fuh ! ! ! lepas gian . .
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Medan Selera Ikan Bakar Pengkalan Balak
Semalam dinner @ Medan Selera Ikan Bakar Pengkalan Balak . .
Saje nak try . .
Dah slalu mkn @ Umbai . .
Kebetulan semua adik-beradik balik rmh . .
Ini pun sorg xde . . my 3rd sis . .
Konon2 mkn besar sblm sambut puasa . .
Nak celebrate 1st puasa nnt maybe ktorg x dpt celebrate sama2 . .

Sotong nun di hujung sana

Ikan Jenahak Bakar (ok2 je)
Ikan Jenahak Bakar (ok2 je)
Sotong Goreng Tepung (biasa2 je)
Kupang Masak Cili (sedap n pedas)
Sup Sayur (sedap)
Nasi PutihWatermelon Juice
Sup Sayur (sedap)
Nasi PutihWatermelon Juice
Ikan Bakar Pengkalan Balak ni x mcm Ikan Bakar Umbai, Alai @ Pernu . .
@ sini mkn dgn nasi putih biasa . .
If @ Umbai, Alai @ Pernu sana mkn dgn nasi lemak . .
Service slow cket @ that nite . .
Maybe rmai yg bercuti + kekurangan kaki tgn . . ish2 . .
Lama menunggu (agak rentung dlm hati). .
Wedding Effa & Chef Zaidi
Attending Ida's sis wedding . .

24 July 2010
Lorong Hj. Tambi, Kandang, Melaka

Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada kedua mempelai . .
Semoga berbahagia & berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat . .
Amin . .
Semoga berbahagia & berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat . .
Amin . .
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Al-Fatihah to Late Anis
Last Monday . . read my friends (As n Syer) YM status . .
Both wrote Al-Fatihah to Anis . .
Curious to know . .
Asked Syer . . no answer . . maybe she's bz or still sad bout the death . .
Then asked As who is she . . i know her or not . .
Arwah meninggal bcoz of Dengue . .
Tgk pic arwah . . then baru igt pnh jpe arwah . .
I felt sooo sad at the time As told who is arwah . .
Rasa kehilangan sgt2 . .
Dengar bout death before rasa biasa2 je . .
Don't know why . .
As ckp arwah org yg baik2 . .
Ever met her once @ Penang . .
Arwah mmg baik orgnye . .
That's why la I felt sgt sedih bile dgr berita kematian arwah . .
Wonder mcm mana perasaan mereka2 yg rpt dgn arwah . .
Her close friends, family . .
Mesti sgt sedih . .
Even saya yg baru jpe sekali ni pun dah terasa akan pemergiaannya . .

Dah smpai ajal arwah . .
Ikhlas n redhakanlah pemergian arwah . .
Allah s.w.t syg akan arwah . .
That's why la arwah pergi dulu . .
Al-Fatihah . .
Lets we pray for arwah . .
Semoga rohnye dicucuri rahmat . .
Semoga arwah ditempatkan bersama org2 yg beriman . .
Semoga arwah mendapat tempat di sisi Allah s.w.t . .
Amin . . . . .
Both wrote Al-Fatihah to Anis . .
Curious to know . .
Asked Syer . . no answer . . maybe she's bz or still sad bout the death . .
Then asked As who is she . . i know her or not . .
Arwah meninggal bcoz of Dengue . .
Tgk pic arwah . . then baru igt pnh jpe arwah . .
I felt sooo sad at the time As told who is arwah . .
Rasa kehilangan sgt2 . .
Dengar bout death before rasa biasa2 je . .
Don't know why . .
As ckp arwah org yg baik2 . .
Ever met her once @ Penang . .
Arwah mmg baik orgnye . .
That's why la I felt sgt sedih bile dgr berita kematian arwah . .
Wonder mcm mana perasaan mereka2 yg rpt dgn arwah . .
Her close friends, family . .
Mesti sgt sedih . .
Even saya yg baru jpe sekali ni pun dah terasa akan pemergiaannya . .

Dah smpai ajal arwah . .
Ikhlas n redhakanlah pemergian arwah . .
Allah s.w.t syg akan arwah . .
That's why la arwah pergi dulu . .
Al-Fatihah . .
Lets we pray for arwah . .
Semoga rohnye dicucuri rahmat . .
Semoga arwah ditempatkan bersama org2 yg beriman . .
Semoga arwah mendapat tempat di sisi Allah s.w.t . .
Amin . . . . .
I never have the account . .
I never apply for the account . .
But suddenly got this email . .
Weird . .
I never apply for the account . .
But suddenly got this email . .
Weird . .
"Maybank Group"
Add sender to Contacts To: undisclosed-recipients
Dear Valued Customer,
Our account security discovered a security problem in your account as several transactions were attempted by an Unknown User. For security reasons, we have deactivated and restricted access to your account. Please immediately activate your account below, as inactive accounts will be suspended till further notice.
Thank you for using! We look forward to serve you better.
Maybank Group
Psst: Can't be believed it . .
Be careful yeah . .
One More ****
Vijay . .
This guy . . eauuu . .
No manner . .
Just kindly ask him to email me dwg list last week . . forgot where I put . . hehe . .
Then he yelled, shout and use a lot of punctuation marks in his email . .
Triple punctuation marks @ every single sentence . .
WTH u are . .
I ask kindly . .
If you already give them to me . . just mention it . .
No need to yell or shout @ me like that . .
Didn't you notice that our MD never use the punctuation marks in his email towards their employees eventhough he is angry?
Inikan pulak you nak yell and shout sesuke hati @ others?
Don’t simply yell @ shout @ others . .
Hey org tua, don't you know the ethic how to write an email huh?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Model: Ida
Makeup Artist: Miss Afra
Location: Taman Rama-Rama, Melaka
Date: 18 July 2010
Any inquiry, kindly contact or email me yeah . .
Haha . .
I Need You
I really need you . .
You know how I miss you @ this time . .
Always thinking of you . .
I 'll be always with you after we are officially together . . hehe . .
Can't wait that moment . . wink2 . .
Monday, July 19, 2010
IT People are ****
Tak suke mereka . .
Tak suke . . tak suke . . tak suke . .
Macam bagos . .
Baru tadi mintak CK installkan printer . .
Sikit pun x pandang . . bz la konon . . cocok mata tu karang baru tau . .
I know la u bz . . tp boley tak cakap elok2 . .
Style ckp pun . . aduh .. disgusting sungguh . .
Tak de manner sungguh lah mereka2 ini . .
Me: CK, please install me a printer inside the room . .
CK: Ask that lady . . sign tgn pulak tak boley blah mcm sign menghalau gitu . .
Bengang la . .
Macam dia sorg je yg pandai . .
Yang lagi sorang pun (bdk baru) dah ade ciri2 CK jugak . .
Nasib baik de Lilian . .
Dia yg installkan printer . .
TQ Lilian . .
Eeeiii . . sume IT people mcm tu ke?
Macam **** . .
Takpe2 . . what goes around comes around . .
Taman Rama-Rama Melaka
Adult = RM6
Children = RM3
Camera = RM3
Parking = Free
Accompanied Ida to Taman Rama-Rama @ Air Keroh, Melaka . .
She wants to get used to her baby . . haha . .
About 2 hours inside the park . .
Exercise . . dah lama x jalan2 . . menghirup udara segar . . asyik hirup habuk je . .
1st time org Melaka pergi Taman Rama-Rama ni . . huhu . . nama je org Melaka . .
Butterfly dah tak byk speciesnye @ situ . .

Owh kamu rupanye yg selalu masuk dlm perut I . .

Where am I?
Inside Ida's baby . . haha . .
Inside Ida's baby . . haha . .
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Bukit Serindit
Ada apa dengan Bukit Serindit?
Maybe byk burung serindit there . .
Taman ala-ala taman rekreasi . . yeke?
Yelah . . ade tasik, playground, jogging trail, etc . .
Ade Stadium Hoki di situ . .
Did an evening walk there today . .
Actually, Ida bawa saya ke sana for trying her new D3000 . .
Some pictures taken . .
Enjoy yeah . . .

D3000 My Friend's New Baby
Finally my friend, Ida got her baby this morning . .
Congrats Ida . . you deserve it . . haha . .
Make a lot of practice yeah . .
Take a look @ Ida with her new baby . .
How excited is she . .

Friday, July 16, 2010
Malu Lagi
Hey, these 2 ladies gonna sing a song today.. (As n I)..
Sir Rob announces in front of the contractors, labours..
Dapat tepukan n sorakan yg gemuruh ..
Coz come late to the celebration..haha..
Aduss..walk in front of the stage lagi..
Malunye..galmour gak sekejap..
Ape boleh buat..redah je la..then senyum2..
Sir Rob just make fun with us..
Ingat betul2..
Then got an email from Helen
Wah..glamour with Rina this morning eh ? hahaha..
Best regards,
Helen Goh
Anyway congratulations for 2M Safe Manhours..
Credit to SunPower, the Consultants, the Contractors and the others as concern in order to achieve the target..
Got T-Shirt n KFC..
Next target is 3M Safe Manhours..
psstt: maybe I'm no longer there..
Anyway congratulations for 2M Safe Manhours..
Credit to SunPower, the Consultants, the Contractors and the others as concern in order to achieve the target..
Got T-Shirt n KFC..
Next target is 3M Safe Manhours..
psstt: maybe I'm no longer there..
New Room
Moved to a new room yesterday . .
Better than work outside . .
No one to disturb . . yeay . . i like . .
But . . inside here like in a ship . . waiting for sinking . .
Rocking every time . . rock here n there . .
When there are people walking outside . .
Arghhh!!!! Walk slowly please . .
Memasing ganas . . semua jalan mcm gajah berlari . .
But gajah jln slow je . .
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Walk of Life @ FRIM
Berjungle trekking @ FRIM..
As, Nik, Aleen, Areey, Syer n I..
11/07/2010, Sunday
Start @ 8.00am..
Finish @ 1.00pm..
Lets the pics tell the story..

Ehhh . . ade reflection di sana . . u see?

. . Tickets are not sold here . . need to buy @ Souvenir Shop first . .

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Jungle Trekking on Weekend

When can I post 'bout my jungle trekking with my friends?
When do I have time to post it?
Later yeah . . . . .
Later yeah . . . . .
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Work Methodology Construction Procedure References Project Quality Plan(PQP) Project Executive Plan (PEP) Integrated Management...
Please go through the end . . . Bertuahnye bdn klau dpt body cenggini . . .hikhikhik . . . According to the email,...
Work Methodology Construction Procedure References Project Quality Plan(PQP) Project Executive Plan (PEP) Integrated Manage...