Norlida Hafizah..She is my x-neighbour..Attend her wedding on 12/12/2009..Kenal diorang since 1987..Fuh!!! lama tu..almost 23 yrs..But still in contact..Sempatla amek pic dorg nih..
Enjoy the pic below..
Terjumpe pulak Suzy (Rozieta Yunos), x-SMKT..She already has 2 kids..But still maintain..vogue gitu..;)
Time ni my kazen, Yan wedding. Dlm bln 6 last yr. Mak Ngah asked me to take their pic time nikah coz dia just amek photographer utk hari bersanding je..Ishh..dah la x pnh amek pic org nikah..nak x nak kena jgk amek..Mak Ngah la katakan..kene dgr ckp org tua..jgn degil2..then cpt cket leh tgk pic..tranfer trus ke pc..klu nk tgu yg photographer nye lmbt la..Jd photographer bidan terjun la aritu..
Blk rmh trus la tranfer pic to my sedey coz esoknye ble nk bk my lappy xleh..warghh..then hantar kedai..xleh formatla jwbnye..all saved doc gone..sedeynye..nak buat mcm mn terima la seadanye..
So, enjoy the pic yg smpt di upload @ flickr...Dlm 20 kpg je yg ade..warghhh..tensen2..
With both mums..
With kazen n niece..
Malam berinai..
Majlis cukur jambul Iman, daughter of Bro Sham n Sis Azni keesokan hari..
Adat Melaka..pihak pengatin lelaki kena byr tol dulu sblm bersanding..